Introductions and Things

Hello world, I'm Kaya writer, a reader, & all around creative. And not necessarily in that order either. I don't pretend to be the expert in anything writing/reading/internetting, so this blog is mostly for fun and news updates!

Reasons for starting this blog:

1) The emotional roller coaster of writing/revising/querying a manuscript is well...exactly that. A roller coaster. Unloading some of that emotional baggage for others to commiserate over/shake their heads with/roll their eyes at is a win for all (I hope).

2) I don't get to read a lot, because life has a way of interfering. So when I manage to make it through a whole book and get all these strong feelings—good and bad—I like to share them/discuss them/debate them with other readers.

3) Other reasons I haven't quite figured out yet.

Ta Ta for now,

Welcome to #TeamTangledWeb Part 2

In which we discuss our Mentoring Methods & the elements we love most within our chosen genres! What Can You Expect From a #TeamTangle...
